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October Feels like...?


This is Jen in her Happy Place.

This is the big smile I get on my face every time I teach a voice lesson!


About a year ago, I put out my first ResonateYou newsletter. It talked about the opening of the studio, how many students were “here,” introduced more of what I was about and what was going to begin “here.” The “here” was at 780 Eden Rd., in the Moore Business Park in Lancaster, PA.

There is a Brandi Carlisle song called, “Wherever is your heart, I call home.” Well, for the studio of ResonateYou, “here” or "home" has changed in the last year, just like everything and everyone else. Even if the location has changed, the studio is still alive and well.

Recently, I’ve been wanting to write my fall newsletter. My last newsletter was in July, the “summer one.” I was in the thick of things, moving out of the 780 Eden Rd. space and setting up my home studio in a more professional way than just during the stay-at-home period of March-May. Then in August, and September, I was in “getting-new-voice-students-started-mode”, and just getting my own child acclimated to virtual-school-during-covid-time, etc. 

Well, here we are in October, and it’s sorely time for a newsletter, to share and communicate. But what to write? Sometimes, it feels like all the same tune right now: “Wow, haven’t times changed?” What can we say to truly reflect in a meaningful way what may have not been said before?

I still believe that everyone has a unique perspective on this. And my need to communicate, commiserate, and share, outweighs my insecurity over possibly cliche remarks.  FALL 2020: This fall is a palpably stressful time for many people as we anticipate the coming election, in person or online schooling, riding the waves of the pandemic, and continuing to speak out against systemic racism in our country. 

And because of these stressful times, there is such a need for continuity and connection right now: especially through music and the arts. So many of us are STILL grieving the “on hold” of large voice gatherings, in whatever form them come in: (concerts, theatre, worship, choral ensembles) And as we wait til the time when we can gather in-person again, we owe it to ourselves to continue to carry the light, by making music and honing our craft, in the meantime.

Music, and especially the act of singing, helps to calm us. A slow, sustained vibrating sound coming out of our bodies enacts the “vagus” nerve which literally helps to calm our nervous system.  It helps ground us during these stressful times. Music making and singing holds us, safely, and gives us nurturing feelings. Music also brings us JOY! It brings us connection and lifts us up!

I will continue to hold the light of music-making here at ResonateYou, and I thank you for being a part of this community.

Here’s the status of ResonateYou this fall:

1.) I teach (mostly online) out of my home in Lancaster, PA. My studio is in my finished basement, with newly well-lit recessed lights, to light my way. Thankful for tech, including good internet, a workable Mac and a large microphone!

2.) When I teach online, I teach through MyMusicStaff and zoom (where students have the opportunity to download their lesson recordings (.mp4 or .mp3), and I give 30, 45 or 60 min. lessons with breaks for myself in between.  In person, I could have students right back-to-back to each other, but now, with zoom, I give myself a little bit of a break from the screen to be sure I can give my students 100% of myself.

3.) I have given some local students lessons “on my back porch” in the open air —al Fresca! When the weather is not too hot (or cold), or not inclement, it has been a great way to see and sing in real time with students. We maintain all CDC guidelines, and actually increase the distance to about 10 feet away while singing, and put a mask on if we get closer than that.

4.) Currently, I am not giving in-person Vibrational Therapy Sound Sessions to Sound clients. I have decided to put that part of my studio on hold to concentrate on my online presence. However...(next item!)

5.) Weekly Sound Meditation Class: I recently invited a small amount of people to take part in a “Beta Launch” of an online space for a Sound Meditation class with singing bowls, percussion, singing, and intoning on the chakras.

  • This has begun in small way to “test” the viability of sound meditation online.

  • So far, it has been a beautifully successful way to connect with others in a small-group setting, safely online.

  • The “share” time is as important as the “sound mediation” time.

  • The next round of classes will begin on Wed., Oct. 28th. You can learn more or sign-up here!

6.) Currently, my students are made up of weekly and "every/other week" students.

  • There are 7 elementary aged singers, 12 middle and high schoolers, and about 6 adult clients.

  • The bulk of my students still come from the Lancaster local area, and some students have found me through the website:, and others have come from other colleagues’ recommendations.

  • I love the age range that I teach, because I love interacting with students anywhere along their musical journey.

  • I meet them where they are at, and we go from there. 

7.) The expansion of an online presence has now connected me to people outside of Lancaster, and I find this outlet fascinating. Just as our world becomes “connected” in new and  unfathomable ways, I never would have predicted a year ago, that I would be teaching online to students outside of the Lancaster local. I truly appreciate these connections (near and far), because it makes me feel like we are less alone, and that like-minded people really will find each other. Upcoming events:

  • ONLINE RECITAL: Students, you will be getting some emails from me regarding our Nov./Dec. (TBA) online recital (like last May.).

  • Singers, you will also have the opportunity to take part in an online virtual choir for that recital singing, "Heart & Music" from A New Brain by William Finn.

  • The New Weekly Sound Mediation Class will begin again Wed., Oct. 28th. You can learn more or sign-up here!

So whether you are near or far...sing, sing, sing, for all to hear!

All the best,

Jennifer @ResonateYou

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