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Making it through Year 5


I am wrapping up the conclusion of “Year 5” of my business in ResonateYou.

Have you heard the stats? That 50% of businesses do not make it past five years?

Well, this past year, I did a lot of digging: trying to figure out if I was going to continue past this year, or if I was going to call it a day and give it all up.

Last summer (2023), I was hit with a serious physical debilitation from migraines from TMJ Disorder, induced by severe stress.

And it affected my singing. 

I rested, and did the bare minimum last fall: I just taught voice lessons.

I just needed to call back in my energy and regain some focus.

I took a 3-month course in Nervous System Regulation by Irene Lyon.

During that time, I came up with a concept called “The Somatic Singing Class,” and I offered the first session of it in January 2024.

The first Somatic Singing Class session far surpassed my expectations.

You see, for most of my life, I have swung back and forth between private lessons, and leading a group of singers: choirs at Linden Hall, and at The PA Academy of Music, teaching artist/outreach environments. 

I have always gone back to private lessons because I love the intricacy of working one on one with people and really helping them meet their individual goals. There is nothing like sharing that individual feedback for a singer, and for them to really have their “a-ha” personal achievements in singing.

However, in the 1:1 lesson experience, I could teach my students how to sing better, but when it came to their questions around their nervousness in performing, I didn’t have good answers to give them. I felt a little bit of a loss as to how to support them appropriately.

When I was leading large singing groups, I would get so drained afterwards, because of the sheer amount of people in the room. I would become severely fatigued at the end, and not sleep well at night.

I always felt there was something missing in my leading of singing groups. I would ask myself: Why do I get so nervous? Why do I feel so drained? I often felt so disembodied from many of my leading experiences.

So, my severe headaches last summer led me to really sitting down with myself and trying to figure out another way.

The pain prompted me to learn about Nervous System Regulation with Irene Lyon in a 3-month online and group course. The positive outcomes that I could immediately and slowly feel were literally life-changing for me. 

I felt more connected, present, focused, and able than I had felt in a very long time. (And I’ve tried a LOT of different modalities!)

I knew that this was the missing piece for me in both my leading of groups, and of helping my private students: to help guide them through the “nerves” of auditioning, performing, etc. I could share in my group class, tangible grounding practices to help bring them into the present, and develop strategies for working with their own nervous system.

In the 10-week group, “Somatic Singing Class” that I initiated in January, I shared, with my students, my personal goal of wanting to feel more embodied and grounded while I taught in a group setting.

During the class, I supported them in their singing journey, and taught the concepts of nervous system regulation as it related to their own singing. But those individuals also supported me in MY journey of being able to become more present, grounded, and intentional as I was leading. 

We also had A LOT of FUN!! (see the video here!)

Instead of feeling drained, I left each class feeling filled up, and could again sleep well at night.

This was a huge growth for me personally in my life, but it’s also had huge ripple effects for my students.

I am immensely proud of all of the singers in my studio: 

To my long-term private students, who I get to work with each month. It is my JOY to see you and connect with you regularly. 

We had an AWESOME Studio Showcase at MoveIt Studio on April 14th. Congrats to those who participated!

To my new, incoming students, with your bright-eyes and hopes and dreams of connecting with their singing voice: I am so excited to help you along in your journey! You are in good hands.

To the 30+ singers in The Somatic Singing Class, the four cohorts between the Winter and Spring Sessions: You learned from me, but I learned about the POWER of what a group class is all about.

You supported each other in ways I could never have envisioned.Thank you for sharing your humanity and respect in that way. 

Whether you are in the group class or work with me 1:1, it just feels like we are making magic together.

=> Holding space and time for making music, socially engaging & supporting one another, and improving how we feel about our singing voices feel truly life-changing.

Thank you for helping me find my way in this 5th year of ResonateYou. Thank you for your continued support for my business and as I see it, my life-calling.

I am committed to continuing ResonateYou through 1:1 lessons, The Somatic Singing Class (next one in the fall!), and to future singing, drumming circles, and group workshops as they come.

I am also thinking of ways to expand my online offerings to help those who want to continue learning and singing, but perhaps can’t make in-person work in their schedule or their budget.If you have ideas/thoughts around how I might support you in this way, please reach out.

We are here to connect with each other.

Doing so through music, song, and our voices creates that deep human, connection.

I’m here for it.



Other fun pictures from Year 5:

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