Online Courses
The Voice Fundamentals Course
Six Learning Modules: Pre-recorded, learning tutorials
Go at your own pace.
60+ Videos and printables.
Keep forever as a resource.
What you'll learn...
Pre-Week: Writing Your Vision & Things to Prep For Your Journey
Module 1: The Source: The Breath/Respiration
Module 2: The Body: Relaxation, Stance, and the Articulators
Module 3: The Sound (Phonation), Pt. 1 : Head Voice/Chest Voice
Module 4: The Sound (Phonation, Pt. 2: Mixing & Belting
Module 5: Vocal Health & Anatomy
Module 6: Affirmations & Singing Your Song
Bonuses: Jen's Song and Other Resources
Along the journey, you'll also learn how to practice, resources for finding music, accompaniment tracks, and the stages of vocal development.
If you'd like to learn about how your body is your instrument and how YOU can access it, feel, and understand it, this is the course for you.
I also ask all new private voice students to take this course in tandem with their private lessons.
The Voice Exercise Library
Can't think of how to warm-up?
Press play.
Now sure what exercises to use for strengthening a certain register?
Just do a quick search in the library, and choose from the options and sing along!
The Voice Exercise Library contains 25+ videos (and growing) that are 2-8 min. long, to help you do the following:
1. Warm-up the body
2. Breath work and lip trills
3. Focus on certain registrations: Chest or Head Voice
4. Mix Exercises
5. Playlists that include all of the above for a full work-out!
Use the drop down menus to narrow now by style, registration, type, length, etc.
If you've taken from me before, or know a bit about how to sing, this a GREAT resource to use in your practice.
I will continue to ADD more videos each month to continue to GROW. Buy once, keep forever, and enjoy the automatic upgrades (additional videos to come).
Intoning on the Chakras
A three-part series introducing you to intoning on the Seven Chakras in the body.
This form of Sound Meditation is a therapeutic, self-care exercise that you can learn easily and do for yourself anytime you need grounding or clearing, or as a daily mediation.
Part 1: Intro to the Chakras and Seed Mantras
Learn what and where and about the Seven Chakra System in the body​
Learn the seed mantras and colors that are often intoned with each chakra
Learn how to intone (sustain a long tone) on each chakra
Part 2: Full Practice: Guided Sound Mediation on the Seven Chakras
Part 3: Tips on Breath Work, Voice Work and Variations on the theme:
You will learn how to fully relax the jaw and throat to increase flow in the sustaining of the tone
You will learn how to engage your breath (ribcage, abdominals), to help support the flow of air
You will learn that many variations of pitches to honor your unique needs.
Not sure which course is right for you?
Reach out to Jen @ ResonateYou to set up a consult: